REALTIME REFLECTIONS mod for Daggerfall-Unity **DESCRIPTION** This mod adds realtime reflections for floor textures (interiors) and water tiles (exteriors) as well as dungeon water reflections. **REQUIREMENTS** dfunity 0.10.25+ Deferred Rendering must be activated in the settings of Daggerfall Unity! **INSTALLATION** Put the realtime reflections.dfmod package inside 'DaggerfallUnity_Data/StreamingAssets/Mods'. Extract the contents of into 'DaggerfallUnity_Data/StreamingAssets/Textures ' **UNINSTALL** If you wish to uninstall, you can safely remove the mod from the StreamingAssets folder. It won't affect saves. **CREDITS** Main developer: Nystul Realtime Reflections on Daggerfall Unity forums: