___________________________________________ - GreedFall - Romance Enhancer [PC] ___________________________________________ June 14, 2020 Version: 1.01 Written by: Dheu Email: Dheuster@gmail.com Use subject: Romance Enhancer v1.01 QUICK SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Romance your love interest(s) any time you are in a city by talking to them in your bedroom. - Experience a variety of cut-scenes with each romance option. - Allows multiple romances in a single play through. - Optional Download: NoFail Option - All conversations are successful - No gender constraints. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. > > > > Details ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I liked the romance pacing in GreedFall, but I was disappointed that the romance cut-scene was only available once. It also seemed to me after the cut-scene that the relationship stalled. There was no longer any proof through conversations or quests that there was a special connection between the player and their chosen love interest. So I made this mod to keep the magic alive. With this mod installed, anytime you enter a city, you can head to your residence/bedroom. If you talk to your love interest in the bedroom, they will once again initiate snuggle time. To keep things interesting: - I mix things up by exposing more cut-scenes. - Fixed/Updated Background Music during cutscenes - You can only snuggle once per city visit. So no spam snuggling! =) - I removed the restrictions so that you can romance more than 1 person. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. > > > > No Fail Option ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I disagree with the games approach to romance. The idea that you have to say just the right thing to woo someone. Who cares if you disagree sometimes. Opposites often attract, so why does the game punish you for selecting certain lines. To resolve this, I made the NoFailOption add-on. The add-on changes the rewards so that no matter what you select or say, the relationships always progresses forward, as if you said the "right" thing. If you say the "wrong" thing, you may still hear some NPCs make some snarky remark or disagree with you, but the reputation and romance will still move forward. Furthermore, it doubles the seduction points so even if you said 1 or 2 wrong things before installing the mod/add-on, they will still likely be interested in a romance later. Finally, the NoFailOption removes gender restrictions. So if you are female, it allows you to additionally romance Aphra and if you are male, it allows you to additionally romance Kurt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. > > > > Installation : Romance Enhancer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIRED MOD : MOD SLOT SUPPORT : This mod does not make use of Mod Slots, but it does make use of the localization support offered by the mod "Mod Slot Support". If you do not install MOD SLOT SUPPORT, then your subtitles will be cryptic error messages, but the mod will still work. 1) If you do not already have it, get 7-zip : www.7-zip.org ** Do not use WinRar to open/extract .7z files. It can corrupt them. 2) Once 7-zip is installed, open the .7z file Typically you need only double click the file: RomanceEnhancer_v1_01.7z 3) Within the 7-zip window, select the menu options: "Help" -> "About 7-zip" Ensure you have version 9.20 or greater/newer. If you do not, return to step 1 and get the latest version. 4) The 7-zip window will show 1 file: /datalocal 5) Extract the contents to your GreedFall game directory. For example, many users will find it in one of these two locations: Computer -> C:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\GreedFall or Computer -> C:\Program Files\steam\steamapps\common\GreedFall 6) [Optional] Run the file: ...\GreedFall\datalocal\updatemods.exe This file is included\installed by the mod: "Mod Slot Support" version 2.0+. If you do not see the file, then you probably do not have the latest version of "Mod Slot Support". If you decide not to run this file, then all text added to the game by Romance Enhancer will appear as cryptic localized tokens. For example, instead of seeing the question "How are you feeling?", you would see "#DLG_APHRA_F1". 7) For what to expect after starting a new game or loading a save game, see Usage below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. > > > > Installation : NoFailOption ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Open the .7z file: NoFailOption_v1_00.7z 2) The 7-zip window will show 1 path: /datalocal Make sure datalocal is hi-lighted. Either click on it once or hit CTRL + A 3) Hit Extract and then [...] to browse to the location of your Greedfall installation. Most people will find it in one of these two locations: Computer -> C:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\GreedFall or Computer -> C:\Program Files\steam\steamapps\common\GreedFall 4) [Optional] Run the file: ...\GreedFall\datalocal\updatemods.exe This file is included\installed by the mod: "Mod Slot Support" version 2.0+. If you do not see the file, then you probably do not have the latest version of "Mod Slot Support". If you decide not to run this file, then all text added to the game by Romance Enhancer will appear as cryptic localized tokens. For example, instead of seeing the question "How are you feeling?", you would see "#DLG_APHRA_F1". 5) For what to expect after starting a new game or loading a save game, see Usage below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. > > > > Usage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Game: If you start a new game, it will be quite some time before you will see proof that RomanceEnhancer is installed as romances typically require that you complete a great deal of the game before you can romance someone. The good news is... you don't have to start the game with this mod installed. You can wait until you actually have a romance with someone before installing it. If you install the NoFailOption, things are easier. If playing as a male, you will be able to flirt with Kurt (simple). If you are playing as female, you will find the second time you flirt with Vasco or Kurt, the reputation increases no matter what you say. Existing Game: If you have already romanced someone, ask them to follow you and head to a bedroom. Stand in front of the bed. You should see 2 talk dialogues appear over your love interest (Q/E). It is a toss up which one will kick off the cut-scene. Try "E" first. If you rejected any NPCs or NPCs rejected you, you will find you can broach old subjects an attempt the romance one more time after installing this mod. Rejection repair only occurs the first time you load a game after installing this mod. This mod does NOT repair bad reputations. If Siora already hates you because of decisions or dialogue choices you made, this mod will not change that. Background: To save resources, Greedfall basically shuts down the romance system once you reach "Love" status with anyone. That is why many mods require that you install them early in the game before you romance anyone. Once the romance system shuts down, there is no restarting it. This mod comes with its own independent romance system. When you load a game, if it appears the original romance system is still running, this mod will stay out of the way. But if the games romance system is shut down or shuts down at any point, this mod will take over and allow romances to continue seamlessly. Sometimes rejection is the NPCs choice (Aphra/Kurt reject the player if the player isn't the right gender). And sometimes it is the players choice. IE: Player turns down offer for a hookup or refuses to make a commitment afterwards. To be clear, rejection has nothing to do with reputation. You can be best friends with someone who you are not romantically interested in. So while this this mod will undo rejections and allow relationships that were previously closed off, it will not fix reputations if they are bad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. > > > > Trouble Shooting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugs: ---------------------------------------- This is a version 1.00 mod. So there are probably some scenarios out there I haven't accounted for. Most of my testing was with the NoFailOption addon installed, so if you do not have the addon and encounter an issue, please let me know. If you experience a bug, all I ask is that you can replicate the bug without any other mods installed. That way i know it is not because of a conflict. Report bugs to the nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/greedfall/mods/118?tab=bugs Identifying and Resolving Mod Conflicts: ---------------------------------------- If you have more than 1 mod installed, it is possible for conflicts to occur If 2 mods edit the same file, there is a conflict. The game scans all sub-directories under GreedFall\datalocal for game file names, so folder path doesn't matter. To identify conflicts, you can often scan the sub-directories of GreedFall\datalocal for files that have the same name. If for example you see: GreedFall\datalocal\someModA\common_variables.sli and GreedFall\datalocal\someModB\subdir\common_variables.sli The two mods will conflict because they edit the same game file. One method to resolve conflicts is to create the folder "##" under datalocal. IE: GreedFall\datalocal\## Then copy both conflicting files to that directory (rename 1 of them) and merge the differences into a single file with the original name. For example, you could use the program WinMerge (https://winmerge.org/?lang=en) In the above example, you would create: GreedFall\datalocal\##\common_variables.sli GreedFall\datalocal\##\common_variables(1).sli And then use WinMerge to merge the differences from common_variables(1).sli into common_variables.sli "datalocal\gui\desc_tags\" folder or not. Romance Enhancer core game file Updates: ---------------------------------------- Romance Enhancer updates the following core Game files. These would be the files that might conflict with other mods. Below I break down what must be resolves (mandatory) and what must be done to resolve it. I also identify what isn't necessary for the mod and what can be left out if need be. MANDATORY: ---------- 1. FILE: datalocal\variables\common_variables.sli purpose: declares the following 8 variables used by the mod to track which cut-scene to show: resolve: To resolve a conflict with another mod, add the following 8 lines to the center of the other mods common_variables.sli file: 2. FILE: datalocal\quests\romance_manager.sqg purpose: RE mod updates original to prevent romance_manager from shutting down or removing trigger zone monitors if it is still running. Given the romance nature of this mod, it is unlikely that this file could be trivially merged with another mods edits. IE: This mod is likely not compatible with other mods that edit this same file without a mod-author created patch. 3. FILE: datalocal\quests\trader\travelservice.sdg purpose: RE Mod updates this quest to load the romance_enhancer quest anytime you enter the major cities. This is needed for the mods core functionality. resolve: To resolve a conflict with another mod, Add the following line to the startBlock.connections element if the contending mod: And then add the following line After : The top should look something like: SAFE FOR REMOVAL: (If contention) ----------------- 1. FILE: datalocal\cutscenes\library_cutscene_loading.sli purpose: identify the new cut-scenes used by the mod. If these changes are not present, instead of new cut-scenes, you will likely just get fade in/out moments with no new cut-scene. resolution: Add the following 9 lines to elements "lvl_02_south_city", "lvl_08_west_city" and "lvl_07_east_city". (For a total of 27 lines) 2. FILE: datalocal\music\music_library_lvl_02_south_city.sli datalocal\music\music_library_lvl_07_east_city.sli datalocal\music\music_library_lvl_08_west_city.sli purpose: add events to change the music when the romance scene kicks off/ends. If changes are not present, the music wont change (no big deal). resolution: - open the Romance Enhancer of each file above. - Search for "" - Copy everything between that comment and the comment "" to the clip board. - Edit contention mods version of same file and search for "" - Paste the Romance Enhancer section AFTER dialogCueSets. 3. File: datalocal\dialog_graphs\talk_companions\aphra_romance_meeting.sdg File: datalocal\banks\vocal\bk_voc_aphra_romance_meeting.pgz purpose: Files add secondary cut-scenes for aphra. Without these files, you will still get repeating romance scenes, but each one will be the same as the original. IE: same scene and you will always be questioned if you wish to commit. If romancing Aphra as a female, then without these files, the meeting will be silent. No resolution. 4. File: datalocal\dialog_graphs\talk_companions\kurt_romance_meeting.sdg File: datalocal\banks\vocal\bk_voc_kurt_romance_meeting.pgz purpose: Files add secondary cut-scenes for kurt. Without these files, you will still get repeating romance scenes, but each one will be the same as the original. IE: same scene and you will always be questioned if you wish to commit. If romancing Kurt as a male, then without these files, the meeting will be silent. No resolution. 5. File: datalocal\dialog_graphs\talk_companions\siora_romance_meeting.sdg File: datalocal\banks\vocal\bk_voc_siora_romance_meeting.pgz purpose: Files add secondary cut-scenes for siora. Without these files, you will still get repeating romance scenes, but each one will be the same as the original. IE: same scene and you will always be questioned if you wish to commit. No resolution. 6. File: datalocal\dialog_graphs\talk_companions\vasco_romance_meeting.sdg purpose: File adds secondary cut-scenes for vasco. Without this file, you will still get repeating romance scenes, but each one will be the same as the original. IE: same scene and you will always be questioned if you wish to commit. No resolution. 7. FILE: datalocal\dialog_graphs\aphra_meet_constantin.sdg FILE: datalocal\banks\vocal\bk_voc_aphra_meet_constantin.pgz purpose: Files support... Easter egg. If file removed, Easter egg will simply not happen.. No resolution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. > > > > Uninstall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Using File Explorer, locate the games installation directory on your computer. Most people will find it in one of these two locations: Computer -> C:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\GreedFall or Computer -> C:\Program Files\steam\steamapps\common\GreedFall 2) Within the GreedFall game folder you will find: ...\GreedFall\datalocal\#romance_enhancer 3) Right click the directory "#romance_enhancer" and delete it. DO NOT DELETE the parent folder "datalocal" as other mods or DLC may be stored there. Only delete the child directory "#romance_enhancer" 4) You are done. If the game is running, the changes will not take effect until you restart. NoFailOption ------------ While you can uninstall the NoFailOption, if you started a relationship with Aphra as a female or Kurt as a male, you may risk leaving the game in an odd state. I only recommend uninstalling NoFailOption if you have not entered into a relationship that the game normally forbids. 1) Using File Explorer, locate the games installation directory on your computer. Most people will find it in one of these two locations: Computer -> C:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\GreedFall or Computer -> C:\Program Files\steam\steamapps\common\GreedFall 2) Within the GreedFall game folder you will find: ...\GreedFall\datalocal\#romance_enhancer\#noFailOption 3) Right click the directory "#noFailOption" and delete it. DO NOT DELETE the parent folder "#romanceEnhancer" unless you are completely uninstalling the mod. 4) You are done. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. > > > > Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.00 : April 2020 - Initial Release. No Changes/Updates. 1.01 : April 2020 - Fixed bug in NoFailOption that allowed relationships to progress too quickly - Fixed subtitles/Added localization suppoort (integration with Mod Slot Support) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX. Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Lead Programmer] Dheu [Content Development] Dheu [Editor] Dheu [Testers] The Person Reading This... [Documentation] Dheu [Grammr and Spellng] No one (obviousley) [Production] Dheu [Distribution] Dheu