Mark of De Sardet Originally I started to make this mod because I was bothered by the fact that the mark on De Sardet's face isn't costumizable at all. First my aim was to make the delicate design and change the color to slightly greener. But being already knee deep in texture modding I decided to add a few more design and color to the package and share the whole thing. If this mod makes just one person's gameplay a better experience, then it was worth it. -------------------------------------------------------- Install - Unzip the downloaded folder with 7-zip (or any other program you prefer to use). If you don't have anything to unzip with: - Choose ONLY ONE design You can use only one of these textures at the same time, otherwise the mod will not work. - Copy the folder of your chosen design into the /datalocal folder of GreedFall /datalocal is right inside the GreedFall library. If you use Steam, then don't forget that Steam has it's own library for your installed games, so you most likely will find GreedFall there and not in the usual Program Files (x86). For example if you chose the small delicate texture in the color blue, then you have to copy Smaller_delicate_blue folder into GreedFall\datalocal - You're all set and done. ENJOY! :) ------------------------------------------------------------ Uninstall Just delete the texture folder you previously put into \datalocal and it's all gone. ------------------------------------------------------------- What is in the full package? - One texture tweak for the original mark, that cleans up the random black/brown smudges on the face around the mark. It also makes the color of the mark slightly lighter and more saturated. - There is an option to make the mark completely disappear. - 3 designs to make the mark smaller. - Delicate: takes away the most of the mark's original texture and leaves only delicate lines across the face. - Clean front: cleans off most of the front part of the mark that goes across the cheek and almost reaches the mouth. - Clean back: cleans off the back part of the mark that reaches the ear. - One design to make the mark even bigger on the face. - A pictures folder where all the designs can be found compared to the original. Hopefully will make the choice easier. :) -------------------------------------------------------------- Credit This mod wouldn't have been possible without Pssg Tools and GreedFall Modding Tips, so huge thank you for Dheuster for making all the scripts and detailed instructions! Other mods you can see on the pictures: Player Complexion and Eyebrow Tweaks by soriyumi Even More Hair Eye Colours and Skin Tones. by Anix107