This is a beta release. Please leave a comment below if you have any questions. How to use: the. The map format files are placed in the halo3-mps folder (backup source files) under the Master Sergeant's collection directory. Go to the language settings after you start the game and change your voice to English (I've tried other languages but English is more stable) . You start with a handgun, open fire will produce a marine (note: The bullet fired is harmful, stay away from him) , it will automatically die (Shoot him if he's not dead) , it will produce a marine. 这是一个测试版本,如果有什么问题请在下方留言 使用方法:将下载的.map格式文件放到士官长合集目录下的halo3-mps文件夹(备份源文件) 在开始游戏后去语言设置把语音换成英语(其他语言我试过但是英语的稳定性更好) 开局你会有一把手枪,开火射击会出现个陆战队(注意:射出的子弹是有伤害的,离他远一点),它会自动死亡(没有死就打他),就会生成一个陆战队员了。 如果有什么问题请在下面留言,或在b站给我发私信 by:海尔兄弟贝塔