HMS Fearless Playable Anywhere Mod for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - Kamzik123 ::Features:: Allows you to use the HMS Fearless ship instead of the Jackdaw, while not having to go to the spawn area in order to make the ship appear. The ship also appears in cities and docks, but I recommend fast-traveling to sync points instead of the main fast-travel point to prevent getting stuck inside the ship. It is currently not possible to enter the Captain's quarters. ::Instalation:: 1. Copy the "DataPC.forge" and "DataPC_extra_chr.forge" files into your Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag main directory ::Changelog:: 1.0: Release 2.0: Ship is now climbable, Fixed mortars, Changed flag, Fixed cannon sounds, Improved cannon rate of fire, Fixed sail animations 2.1: Fixed missing swivel guns, Fixed barrells 2.2: Fixed camera issues 2.3: Fixed missing sounds Thanks to ColossalTitan for sharing his method of swapping ships Thanks to Édouard "Le Requin" for helping me with sails research