# Red Dead Redemption 2: Bounties Expansion This mod adds some new bounty missions to Red Dead Redemption 2 single player. Up to version 1.0.0 there are 4 bounty missions this mod adds. ### Installation: - Download and install AB's ScripthookRDR2: http://www.dev-c.com/rdr2/scripthookrdr2/ (make sure you install the asi loader). - Remove previous versions of the mod, if you have any installed. - Copy *BountiesExpansion.asi* and *BountiesExpansion.dat* to the game's main installation folder. ### How To Play: - Get to one of the new bounty poster appeared on you map. It's in a different spot from the game builtin bounty posters to prevent collisions. - Collect it. - Head for the new bounty area added to your map. - Locate and hogtie the target. - Get to the police department. - Drop the target by the cell and get your reward. ### Known Issues: - Sometimes some of the blips are not removed.