============ XAJSI ReadMe ============ Hi everyone! This "Mod" will not alter anything while you play since it is a simple system of reference better known as "Tech-Trees or Flowcharts". I've gathered as much details as possible about gameplay facts to assemble a comprehensive set of direct elements that visually reveal every Research patterns and other conditions such as Storyline/Special mission(s), Ruleset components, Data properties, Rewarding results, etc. The objectives are clear. Help you out with a quick external GFX guide that not only has the essentials but also exposes various other situations while associating related truths within context inside a complex (but necessary) flow of fluctuating events. Soooooo... here's what it generally is or does. 1) Goes through Phoenix-Point & three Factions Research goals and then, supplies us with some inter-connectivity symbolism. 2) Beyond fixed Data values, this game slaps a number of RNG factors where results need optimal estimations by us. In turn, Technology builds a model which structures itself as a globally efficient way to just [-WIN-]. 3) You'll **SEE** (and can evaluate) all of the facts at once in a slick summary toy! Right now.. i am introducing that device with a single basic PNG Image (2048x2208) which translates Phoenix-Point details. Disciples of Anu + New Jericho + Synedrion + Independent Havens .. are next in my plans to fully cover gameplay scopes. Please note that i will most likely create/develop similar GFX files for each of the upcoming DLC if need be. Stay tuned for more --- Soon (TM)! -- Zyxpsilon Released on 19/02/2020