Planet Zoo Sign Maker v1.1 9/7/2020 Credits to Hendrix and HarlequinzEg0 for cobratools and to the pyffi creators. Source Code: This program works to alter the animal signs in the game with custom ones you create. The program is run through the PZSignMaker.bat How to add signs manually: 1. Create an image that is 512x256 2. Open PZ Sign Maker 3. Select your Game directory 4. Select the directory of the image you made 5. Select the animal whose sign you want to replace 6. Click submit Use revert to return to base game signs. Program crashing? You probably put in the wrong game directory. To alter conservation posters copy and paste one of these into the animal selection box: conservation_posters_amphibiancrisis_mat.pemissivetexture conservation_posters_beedecline_mat.pemissivetexture conservation_posters_deforestation_mat.pemissivetexture conservation_posters_ecotourism_mat.pemissivetexture conservation_posters_globalwarming_mat.pemissivetexture conservation_posters_ozone_mat.pemissivetexture conservation_posters_poaching_mat.pemissivetexture conservation_posters_populationfragmentation_mat.pemissivetexture conservation_posters_sparingvssharing_mat.pemissivetexture conservation_posters_traditionalmedicine_mat.pemissivetexture Created by Nico