zz500-Accurate Charge Auras Main File_P (or any mod that has 1.2 or higher ACA included) is required for the transformation auras to work. If an aura is invisible that means that it hasn't been found and needs to be added in via one of the Flame Charge, Classic Charge, or Extra Styles. This goes for any form that is listed even if you don't intend to change it. It is recommended that you have any "_All" as a base. If not then you'll have to add all the auras separately. I also recommend placing all the auras (not the main file) in its own folder called "ACA" this shouldn't cause any problems. If an aura isn't successfully replaced, then you might need to adjust your load order. The bottom the file takes top priority, so I suggest having your files sorted by name in ascending order. To add priority add extra z's (Ex: z500-ACA Big Default Flame Gohan PU_P.pak) The order of the paks is: Both, Big, Small. Big means the big aura when your character is charging for Surge/Heat Up. Small is the normal Ki charge. Both means that you'll have both. You can mix and match these. So Super Saiyan can have the small classic charge and the big flame aura charge. You can also remove the big charge by only adding the small charges.