Locating the config file The config is located in: C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\techland\cojgunslinger\out\Settings. If you don't know what's your Windows username then head to C:\Users. The config file we're gonna edit is called Video.scr. Editing the file Right click the file and choose Edit with Notepad (i recommend Notepad++). Changing FOV • To change the console-like FOV You can enter values between 80 and 110 in the line ForcedHorzFov(preferredFOV). Personally i recommend 100. The default FOV is 82.72. Changing the resolution • To change the resolution you just need to: Search the line Resolution (3840,2160) and change the value to the one you desire (for instance, 1080p would be 1920,1080). (The value you get by default on the file could be totally different, but the process is still the same) Shadows resolution • By default the shadows are 1024x1024, i edited it so now they are 2048x2048 wich's 2k resolution if you are lagging change it to the default value in the respecive lines: ShadowMapSize(2048) SpotShadowMapSize(2048) (i doubt you will need it since the game's extremely well optimized anyways) !!IMPORTANT!! AFTER YOU DONE EDITING RIGHT CLICK THE FILE SELECT PROPERTIES AND CHECK READ ONLY.