Saddled Edge Editor =================== Graphical Editor for Party, Inventory, Troops, Settlements, Factions, NPCs, Crafted Weapons, Workshops for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord ========================================================================== 1. What it does ========================================================================== In-Game Launched Editor for various assets in the Mount & Blade II game. ========================================================================== 2. How it works ========================================================================== MB2 allows loading .NET Forms from mods so this mod launches when a specific key is pressed. ========================================================================== 3. How to use ========================================================================== Press F8 key or which ever key is currently mapped in the Commands.json file. You can rebind the key from the Party page. F8 key is default. I recommend to go to Quest/Journal (J) page to minimize issues before opening editor. Editing Inventory while on Inventory Page or Characters while on Character page may lead to inconsistencies and issues. ========================================================================== 4. Changing Key Bindings ========================================================================== Create or Edit "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\SaddledEdgeEditor\Commands.json" Paste the following json. Change the Code to key of interest as well as key modifiers. This maps to TaleWorlds.InputSystem.InputKey in the game. List in the KeyCodes.txt file in Modules folder. { "Open": { "Code": "E", "Control": true, "Alt": true, "Shift": false } } ========================================================================== 5. Directory Structure Overview ========================================================================== %GAME%\Modules\ ____SaddledEdgeEditor\ ________SubModules.xml - Mod Definition File ________KeyCodes.txt - Copy of InputKeys for remapping keys ________bin\Win64_Shipping_Client\ ____________SaddledEdgeEditor.dll - Mod Loader Assembly. Loads the actual mod by version. ____________MBEditor.*.dll - Main mod Assembly ____________DarkUI.dll - Library by Robin for doing Dark Themes ____________DarkUI.Support.dll - Support library for .NET 4 Forms support ____________ObjectListView.dll - Full featured List and Tree Control by Phillip Piper ____________NewtonsoftJson.dll - Json support library ____%USERPROFILE%\Documents\ ________Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\ - Game specific config files ____________SaddledEdgeEditor\ - Mod specific config files ________________Commands.json - Key bindings for opening editor ________________Config.json - File to save state between games ________________Debug.log - Minimal log of actions to support debugging errors ========================================================================== 6. Permissions ========================================================================== DarkUI and ObjectiveTreeView have their own licenses and restrictions. DarkUI is MIT Licensed. ObjectTreeList is GPLv3 that means this module is also GPLv3 and subject to same constraints. ========================================================================== 7. Credits ========================================================================== DarkUI by Robin Perris - - MIT License Object List View by Phillip Piper - - GPLv3