Lore Friendly Names and Locations A simple mod which renames and/or relocates some settlements to match their original Warband locations. ::Description:: This mod simply renames and relocates some settlements to fit in with the existing lore from Warband. We don't promise 100% accuracy, but it's as good as it can get without messing with the actual placement of the settlements on the map. We didn't forget that Calradia is a dynamic world, so logically some settlements have different names from their Warband counterparts (because it's set 200 years later) but generally we've tried to keep similarities between the naming conventions. We're open to suggestions as long as they're civil. ::Changes:: Here are the settlements which we've renamed: - Ocs Hall > Rovalt (Vlandianized Ryibelet, since we that's where we assume the name comes from.) - Rovalt > Tirby (That's where we assume Warband's Tihr is.) - Tirby Castle > Bullin Castle & Tirby > Bullin (Based on Buillin's location in Warband.) - Verecsand Castle > Sunor Castle (We know many of us miss Suno, so we tried to incorporated it, but make it just a castle. It makes sense that after 200 years it evolves into a big town.) - Sargot > Velucand (Sargot is roughly where Veluca's location in Warband is. We vlandianized its name to fit with the naming conventions of Bannerlord.) - Car Banseth > Sargot (Most obvious change. We don't believe Sargot could change it's location from a southern town in Bannerlord to a northern town in Warband in just 200 years.) - Charas > Jaculan (Charas coresponds roughly with Jelkala's location and again it was vlandianized.) - Jaculan > Dumar (We decided to rename Jaculan to Dumar, because it's in Warband's village Dumar's location. Lore-wise, it could've gotten destroyed in a war so that's why it's only a village in Warband.) - Tractorae > Charas (We think Charas is the predecessor to Shariz, because the locations match roughly and the names also sound similar.) - Revyl > Varcheg & Varcheg > Revyl (For some odd reason TW changed the locations of the cities, but kept the names. We switched them to their proper places.) - Talivel > Ocs Hall (We decided to keep Ocs Hall as a village, which after 200 years evolves into the town we know.) ::Compatibility:: It should be compatible with every mod, because it's only an edit of the settlements.xml file. It should also be save compatible. Notify us if there are any compatibility issues. ::Installation:: Unzip the file, then put the folder "Lorre Friendly Names and Locations" into the Modules folder of your game. Load order shouldn't matter. ::CREDITS:: ♦ heX_ ♦ abbtolchester