# Xorberax's Cut Through Everyone Allows units (such as yourself) to cut through multiple people depending on the weapon, and opponent's armor. ## Configuration Certain aspects of this mod can be tweaked to your liking. Inside of `\XorberaxCutThroughEveryone\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client` lives a `config.json` file with settings that can be edited in any text editor. ### Settings #### onlyCutThroughWhenUnitIsKilled When enabled, cutting through only occurs when a unit is killed by the hit. **Accepts:** `true` or `false` #### damageRetainedPerCut The amount of damage retained per person cut. Recommended to use a value between 0.0 through 1.0. **Accepts:** decimal number #### percentageOfInflictedDamageRequiredToCutThroughArmor The percentage of inflicted damage required to cut through armor. e.g. if `percentageOfInflictedDamageRequiredToCutThroughArmor` is `0.8`, and an attack has a total of 100 points of damage, and 20 points are absorbed by armor, then 80 points of damage will be inflicted, which means 80% of the attack damage was inflicted, allowing the attack to cut through. **Accepts:** decimal number #### doFriendlyUnitsBlockCutThroughs When enabled, prevents weapons from cutting through friendly units. **Accepts:** `true` or `false` #### onlyPlayerCanCutThrough When enabled, only the player will be allowed to cut through units. **Accepts:** `true` or `false`