BETTER CLAN BANNERS - POC RANDOMIZER CONFIG - 1.0 Replace config.json file in PocColor module folder with the Better Clan Banners config.json file REQUIREMENTS POC color ranomizer mod FEATURES - Custom banners for each Kingdom and Clan. - Custom banners for mercenary and bandit groups. - PlayerKingdom and PlayerClan spaces for personal custom banners and custom troop colors. - Randomized troop colors based on banner colors ("mode": 42) - Banner Packs: Optional files with custom banner codes that can added by editing the config file CUSTOMIZATION Uses any code customization from POC color randomizer mod - Edit code following "KingdomBanner": or "clanBanner": to change/add custom banners - Edit "mode": number to change unit color selection - Custom banners tool: - Bannerlor color key: