# Bannerlord.ChatGPT ## Introduction This is the mod for Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. This mod could enable you talk with NPC inside the game. With this mod, you could chat with lord, townsman and nobles via ChatGPT API engine. Select the chat option "Hi! I want to talk to you(ChatGPT)" and then start your chating! ## Install 1. Exact the Bannerlord.ChatGPT.zip file and copy the \Bannerlord.ChatGPT folder to your {Game Folder}\Modules\ folder. 1. Log in/regester to ChatGPT API website https://platform.openai.com/api-keys. Goto the usage tab on the left (Or click that link again after log in). Click "Create new secret key". Make sure you copy that before you close the window. 1. Go to {Game Folder}\Modules\Bannerlord.ChatGPT\ModRelayer. Open the file APIkey.txt. Paste the API key to this file. (Replace the old API key. And make sure there is no extra letters added in that file) 1. Then in the start panel, tick this Bannerlord.ChatGPT and enjoy your journey! ## Some issues 1. This mod is only valid in the mission view. For example, you could chat in the castles, inside the towns. However, any conversation started from the map won't be able to call this mod. This issue will be fixed in the later version. 1. Sometimes the response will be so long. The text is divided into several pages. You could left/right click your mouse to move to next/previous page. 1. This mod is supposed to surpport most of the versions and have minimum mofification of original game. However, they are not tested. ## For developer If you are the developer, [Useful information.md](./Notes/Useful%20information.md) will provide you details about this mod. The source code is available in https://github.com/wonderingmark123/Bannerlord.ChatGPT The video demo is on Youtube: https://youtu.be/0bQSdM-f8ls ## TODO list * Add the behavior in the MapView. * specify the promots for individual character.