==================== HOW TO INSTALL ==================== 1. Please extract all files into the same directory. 2. Make sure to backup any modded files before running the installer. 3. Uninstall any previous incarnations of Atma Weapon (via Add/Remove Programs in Windows) 4. Run the installer. 5. Enjoy. ============= PRESETS ============= Below, you'll find a list of what mods are in each of the 4 preset installations. For more information on those mods, check our FFVI Modding Index guide on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=591798883 AWR 01 - AWR Sprite Set 02 - AWR Amano Battle Portraits 03 - Reworked BattleBacks 04 - Reworked Monsters and Espers 05 - KVG88's Sky Textures 06 - Ark's World of Ruin Textures 07 - Ark's World of Balance Textures 08 - AWR - OST 09 - New Menu UI - AWR 10 - Mobile UI Removal 11 - SNES Text Box Mod 12 - GBA Font 13 - AWR ReShade 14 - Nyxo's Custom Defilter for Vocal Opera OST 15 - Narshe's Walk Restoration NOS 01 - NOS Sprite Set 02 - NOS Amano Battle Portraits 03 - Reworked BattleBacks 04 - KVG88's Sky Textures 05 - Ark's World of Ruin Textures 06 - Ark's World of Balance Textures 07 - NOS OST 08 - New Menu UI - NOS + OSM 09 - Mobile UI Removal 10 - SNES Text Box Mod 11 - SNES Font 12 - NOS ReShade 13 - Nyxo's Custom Defilter for Vocal Opera OST 14 - Narshe's Walk Restoration 15 - Design Reverter HYBRID 01 - AWR+NOS Hybrid Sprite Set 02 - AWR Amano Battle Portraits 03 - Reworked BattleBacks 04 - Reworked Monsters and Espers 05 - KVG88's Sky Textures 06 - Ark's World of Ruin Textures 07 - Ark's World of Balance Textures 08 - New Menu UI - NOS + OSM 09 - Mobile UI Removal 10 - SNES Text Box Mod 11 - GBA Font 12 - NOS ReShade 13 - Nyxo's Custom Defilter for Vocal Opera OST 14 - Narshe's Walk Restoration 15 - AWR/NOS OST - HawkX Remix CLASSIC 01 - OSM - Sprite Set 02 - Classic Battlebacks 03 - Drop Shadow Removal 04 - KVG88's Sky Textures 05 - Ark's World of Ruin Textures 06 - Ark's World of Balance Textures 07 - New Menu UI - NOS + OSM 08 - Mobile UI Removal 09 - SNES Text Box Mod 10 - SNES Font 11 - OSM ReShade 12 - Narshe's Walk Restoration 13 - Titlescreen Music Restore 14 - Design Reverter 15 - Smaller Dialogue Portraits 16 - Nyxo's Custom Defilter for Vocal Opera OST 17 - Alternative Minimalist Blitz UI =============== CHANGELOG =============== 2019.06.05 -- Fixed Terra's sprites for Hybrid. 2019.05.27 -- Updated Reshade to version 4.3.0. 2019.05.07 -- Fixed a bug which caused some sprites to not have transparent BG. -- Updated links in file urls.ini. 2019.05.05 -- Hybrid: Fixed a bug which caused Terra to be blond at the last scene. -- Updated links in file urls.ini. 2019.05.03 -- Applied default Blitz UI to AWR/NOS/Hybrid. -- Created a new alternative, minimalist Blitz UI for Classic. The UI is still necessary because of the latency issue. 2019.05.02 -- Fixed missing UI Highlights (Serpent Trench, Banon question, etc). -- Removed some superfluous files from 3 of the mods. -- Implemented Opera Timing fix, which wasn't being applied before. -- Made sure mods are installed in the right order. -- Fixed installation of AWR and NOS Amano Battle Portraits. -- Removed Design Reverter from Hybrid preset, since it was not meant to be installed in Hybrid preset. -- Removed "Transparent Battle Menu and Magic Menu" from default presets, since it was superfluous. -- Updated links in file urls.ini. -- Updated Reshade to version 4.2.1.