Captain Carrot’s ETS2 Easy Economy Mod Small mod that modifies the game variables. Economy: Payouts and percentage bonuses for contracts increased by 25% Mileage for Long Distance skill reduced by 25% Hired driver payouts for contracts increased by 25% Parking bonuses increased by 25% Hired driver wages and hire on costs reduced by 25% Hired drivers probability of taking a skilled job increased to 85% Hired drivers chance of no return job reduced by 25% Cost of garages and cost of upgrading garages reduced by 25% Penalties for abandoning contracts and damage to cargo reduced by 25% Truck refund price increased by 25% Trucks required for online purchase reduced by 25% Bank: Loans and loan duration are increased by 25% Loan interest is reduced by 25% Police: Fines are reduced by 25% Detection times for offences increased by 25%