Outside Of Game: F1 = 500 trophies (use outside of store, if its not working, use it 2 or 3 times, save, then close and re open it) F2 = Unlocks all gamemodes F3 = 2500 Monkey Money (use outside of store, if its not working, use it 2 or 3 times, save, then close and re open it) F4 = Toggle Free upgrades/Towers LeftShift + F1 = 1 knowledge point (use outside of store, if its not working, use it 2 or 3 times, save, then close and re open it) LeftShift + F2 = 1 random insta tower LeftShift + F3 = 5 to 15 random insta towers ================================================== Inside Of Game: F5 = 5000 Cash F6 = 500 health F7 = Kill all ballons (no pop cash atm) F8 = unlock all upgrades and towers temporarily (untested) F9 = Resets Cooldowns ================================================== F10 = Help Menu 1 (Outside of game) F11 = Help Menu 2 (Inside of Game) F12 = Help Menu 3 (Left Shift Menu)