Scripthook Revamped Mod for Mafia Definitive Edition Nomad Group Scripthook - Kamzik123 ::Features:: Adds many new features to the Nomad Group Scripthook - Player Submenu: - Godmode: Same as original - Noclip: Same as original - Lock Controls: Locks/Unlocks all player controls - Change Model: Now your selected profile gets saved and you can reapply it by pressing F2 - Toggle Model Visibility: Same as original - Toggle Physics: Same as original - Play Animation: Allows you to select and play an animation from around 1200 available animations. - Props: Allows you to select and attach a prop to the player. - Unlock Input: Unlocks all player inputs, meaning you can now run in Salieri's bar, or any other location, and use weapons in the lot. - Change Player Walk Speed: Allows you to clamp walking speed - Ragdoll Player: Ragdolls player (You need to reload checkpoint to reset it) - Set Position: Allows you to teleport the player to specific coordinates - Set Direction: Allows you to set the direction the player is facing - Player Info: Shows you all player information in real time - Camera Submenu: - Camera Offset: Allows you to change how close the camera is to the player - Camera FOV: Allows you to zoom in/out the camera - Camera Direction: Allows you to change where the camera is looking - Camera Look At Entity: Allows you to make the camera follow an entity - Camera Lock To Entity Menu: Allows you set the camera position to en entity - Resets Camera: Returns the camera to the original state - Weapons Submenu: - Give Weapon: All ingame weapons have been added - Give max ammo: Same as original - Give Grenades: Same as original - Give molotovs: Self explanatory - Clear inventory: Removes all weapons from your inventory - Toggle unlimited ammo: Now also has no reloads - Police Submenu: - Wanted Settings: Allows you to set and lock wanted level - Enable/Disable Dispatch: Enables/Disables police dispatch messages - Enable/Disable Offences: Enables/Disables all offences, while not preventing police spawn - Enable: Same as original - Disable: Same as original - Bodyguard Spawner: - Spawn Bodyguard: Allows you to select a spawnprofile and spawn a bodyguard - Bodyguard GODMODE: Allows you to toggle bodyguard godmode - Delete All Bodyguards - Delete Last Spawned Bodyguard - Vehicle Submenu: - Allows you to spawn vehicles with predetermined properties - Allows you to change properties of current vehicle - Allows you to change properties of the vehicle you are looking at and teleport into it - Hotkey to teleport is F3 - Properties: - Enable/Disable Teleport: Enables/Disables automatic teleport into spawned vehicle - Vehicle Colors: Allows you to change primary colors (RGB Values), secondary colors (RGB Values), chrome ammount, glossiness ammount, window tint color (RGB Values) and opacity, tire primary color and tire secondary color - Vehicle Parts: Allows you to change front and rear wheels, make tires bulletproof, set SPZ text, open/close hood, trunk and each window - Vehicle Light State: Allows you to turn on/off the lights (Same as original) - Vehicle Siren State: Allows you to turn on/off vehicle siren (Same as original) - Engine State: Allows you to turn on/off the engine (Same as original) - Radio State: Allows you to turn on/off the radio - Car Tune: Allows you to change engine behavior - Vehicle Explosion Immunity: Enables/Disables vehicle explosion - Despawn Immunity: Prevents car from despawning - Damage Immunity: Self Explanatory - Set Rust Ammount: Self Explanatory - Set Dirt Ammount: Self Explanatory - Set Fuel Ammount: Self Explanatory - Set Steering Play Ammount: Changes Steering Responsivness - Set Steering Offset Ammount: Changes Steering Offset - Set Vehicle Handling Multiplier: Now allows you to set any multiplier - Reset Damage: Now preserves your vehicle speed when used - Reset Motor Damage: Self Explanatory - Hook Up Spawned Trailer: Allows you to hook up trailer spawned with the trainer to Hank A Tractor - Launch Vehicle Up: Self Explanatory - Vehicle Info: Shows car information - Teleport Submenu: - Teleport Back: Self Explanatory - Custom Coordinates: Allows you to teleport to any coordinates while not needing to enter the Z value. - HUD Submenu: Same as original - Environment Submenu: - Set Spawner State: Same as original - Set Weather: Same as original - Change time of day: Allows you to enable dynamic weather and control the time of day (Weather template must be dynamic) - Set Water Visibility: Same as original - Change Year: Allows you to change traffic season and affect which cars spawn - World Submenu: - Change Game Speed: Self Explanatory - Show Current District: Tells you which district you are in. New HUD and can now be permanently toggled to stay active, even after restarting the game. - Count Corpses in Area: Self Explanatory - Clear Weapons in Area: Deletes all weapons in the area - Open/Close Salieri's gate: Self Explanatory - Drawbridge Controls: Allows you to open and close the drawbridge. You can also set how much will each side open. - Fly Planes or UFO - Fly Plane - Fly Small Plane - Fly Advert Plane - Fly UFO - Increase Speed: Keybind - C - Decrease Speed: Keybind - Z - Entity Selector - Select Entity: Selects the entity you are looking at - Saved entities: Allows you to access all saved entities are edit their properties and view their information - Empire Bay - Create Empire Bay Collision: Creates collision in the Empire Bay area and teleports you there - Deactivate Empire Bay Collision ::Instalation:: 1. Install Mafia Definitive Edition Nomad Group Scripthook: 2. Copy the "ScriptHook" folder into your Mafia Definitive Edition main directory ::Changelog:: 1.0: Release 1.1: Fixed scripthook not detecting some files 1.2: Added new features 1.3: Added Prop controls, added drawbridge controls, changed "Show Current District" HUD, "Show Current District" can now be permanently toggled 1.4: Added ability to remove weapons from inventory, Fixed spawnprofile hotkey, You can now spawn bodyguards anywhere 2.0: Empire Bay Collision now has a lower chance of causing a crash, Bodyguard spawner shouldn't break after player death/checkpoint reload, Car colors now have their correct names, Added option to teleport back into the Teleport menu 2.1: Added no reloads to unlimited ammo, Added over 400 animations, Added ability to play animations on selected NPCs, Added ability to Reactivate/Resurrect NPCs (Their physics will be glitched), Added ability to view vehicle info in vehicle submenu, Added ability to launch vehicle up 2.2: Added support for latest ScriptHook version