#Playable Monk Class This mod adds the monk class into the game, since Larian may take quite some time to release the official implementation. There was alot of underpinning in place for the monk, including a background tag, there are even a few dialogue options that reference you being a monk! Like Larian themselves I ran into some trouble making perfectly faithful implementations of all of the monk abilities, so some artistic license was needed. #### Implementation Notes -Monk Armor Bonus Works up through +6 bonus, each bonus point had to be added individually... -Monk Unarmed Strikes These are implemented as special abilities that you will have unlocked in your hotbar, since I could not override the ability used for damage in the core unarmed strike. Unarmed or with a Monk Weapon equipped, you will have a bonus action unarmed attack unlocked. If you are unarmed, you will have a base action unarmed unlocked. If you have a ranged weapon equipped AT ALL, neither will be available. Drop the bow, son. -Flurry of Blows For some reason you only see the second attack in the combat log if it lands. It is happening. -Slow Fall Implemented as 1/10 damage from falling. All the time. So a bit better then usual -Deflect Missiles Ok... this ability is WAY too complicated. Since I cannot pause and prompt user input when a missile has been caught, instead I just copied the effect for the Reflective Shell ability. This may be too powerfull. Oh well... -Step of the Wind Acts as a special jump action with 2x range that also grants dash -Open Hand Technique Each Open Hand Technique option is its own variant of the Flurry of Blows action. When you get this, the base Flurry of Blows is removed, so it doesn't clog up your action bar even further. -Four Elements Elemental Attunement and Shape of Flowing River are not implementable. -Monk Tadpole Power Since there is no official word on what this is supposed to be, I had to just make something up. Five Monastic Traditions are available: Four Elements, Open Hand, Shadow, Long Death, and Sun Soul Another caveat, there is no way to override the stat used for melee attack/damage rolls with non-finesse weapons. So in order to allow monks to use their weapons correctly I was forced to alter all of the weapons on the Monk list to have the finesse attribute. This means everyone will get this benefit, not just monks. *shrug* #### Disclaimer I can make no guarantee about compatibility with other mods, or with future updates to this mod. I tried to make everything non-destructive, but I had to get a little creative with how I detect what is and isn't a Monk weapon, so anything that also overwrites the basic weapon stats for the weapons of the monk list might cause problems. Also, I have never made a mod for any of Larian's games, so I have no idea what I am doing. Sorry if there is anything busted when trying to use my mod. It works as far as I got... which was the very first room in tutorial where I did all of my testing. ## Installation This mod is packaged in a way that _should_ work with Candor Mod Installer. You may also install manually, placing the included .pak file in `\Documents\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods` and updating your `\Documents\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Profiles\[Profile Name]\modsettings.lsx` file: