Hello! You actually downloaded this mod? Holy sh*t! Before installing, in case you end up preferring the originals, back up the already existing files in Steam\steamapps\common\OVERKILL's The Walking Dead\OTWD\Content\Movies called 'Level_Church' , 'Level_GasStation' and 'Level_WholeFoods' You could otherwise remove the modded ones after replacing the originals and verify your files. To install, drop the files 'Level_Church' , 'Level_GasStation' and 'Level_WholeFoods' to Steam\steamapps\common\OVERKILL's The Walking Dead\OTWD\Content\Movies and hit Yes when asking if you want to replace them. Credits: Art by ADR... / ALB___ / (and) / Panosian mod made by RatchetLombax19 on Instagram, Ratchet Lombax on Steam