## ODINPLUS Mod Team Presents: PlantIt ** Produced by: plumga # Questions or Comments about this mod: https://discord.gg/mbkPcvu9ax ## About Adds lots of buildable custom plants. Use the custom item called Shovel to place them. I'll probably keep adding more plants. ## Installation (manual) Install *BepInEx* and *Jotunn* per the author's instructions. Move the **PlantIt folder** into your **Valheim\BepInEx\plugins** folder. ## Features There's a shovel. And some plants. And you use the shovel to place the plants. Have fun! Thanks to sbtoonz, Gravebear, and RockerKitten for all the help! Couldn't have done it without you guys :D Thanks to Poly, Dunmr, RockerKitten and Namdinh for the models! ## Changelog V0.1.2 added more vines, empty pots, and fixed some colliders to make it easier to delete certain plants. V0.1.1 - added some new plants and did some other stuff. V0.1.0 - fixed not being able to destroy placed items with the shovel. V0.0.9 - made the plants smooth, fixed some textures. Added a tree, grass blocks, and dirt blocks. Added custom category names in piece table. Upgraded to Jotunn 2.1.0 V0.0.8 - I broke something but then I fixed it so it's okay. V0.0.7 - made the names and icons pretty. added the ability to plant player's ass on a log or stump. #PlantIt V0.0.6 - fixed a floating plant, renamed shovel prefab to something more unique in case of future shovels (existing shovels will vanish, but it only costs 1 wood to make a new one), made the shovel indestructible. V0.0.5 - plants do the thing when you hover over them. You know, the thing. Colors and stuff. Plants no longer provide infinite structural stability. Shovel item stand and hand placement fixed. V0.0.4 - you can now repair the shovel at a workbench. V0.0.3 - plants are even less shiny, yay! Added some new plants. V0.0.2 - plants are no longer ridiculously shiny. Some new plants added.