## ODINPLUS Mod Team Presents: CustomDvergers ** Produced by: plumga # Questions or Comments about this mod: https://discord.gg/mbkPcvu9ax ## About Adds some new craftable dverger circlets in different colors with brighter light. ## Installation (manual) Install *BepInEx* and *Jotunn* per the author's instructions. Move the **CustomDverger folder** into your **Valheim\BepInEx\plugins** folder. ## Features Two early game dvergers - crafted with flint and coal or resin. Same stats as regular dverger. The rest are late-game dvergers, require silver, and provide armor. The light is brighter, covers more area and is tinted to the color of the stone. ## Changelog V0.0.3 - fixed after a Valheim update broke it V0.0.2 - updated for Hearth & Home. Old version will not work with H&H V0.0.1 - initial release