# Valheim Bigger Chests Bigger chests, ship storage and carts to help with the tedious chest spam. New sizes are to help with feeling a little more freedom while hoarding while not being overpowered and staying within the spirit of the game. ## !!WARNING!! **This mod should be installed on the server and all clients otherwise items in the extra slots can potentially be deleted.** ## Changes #### Normal Chest 5x3 (from 5x2). 1 Extra row added. This chest feels way too small when it is the main one you use over and over again, but don't want to make the upgrade pointless so it is still relatively small. #### Reinforced Chest 7x4. Extra row. The original ~~6x3~~ 6x4 barely felt like an upgrade while also costing 2 iron, making it not worth it compared to just making 2 normal chests. #### Personal Chest 5x2. 2 extra columns. The original 3x2 made this chest almost useless and very expensive for what I assume is the main use case, holding your loadout beside your bed. I updated it to be able to hold at least a full loadout. #### Cart and Viking Ship 8x4. Made these big because it just makes sense and the cart has weight debuffs anyway so having more slots won't hurt the balance. #### Karve 3x3. The original 2x2 is super small and 3x3 doesn't really help that much but feels less restricting. ## Installation Working with https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/ebkr/r2modman/. Assumed working with Nexus Mod Manager. #### Manual - Extract the archive and copy `ValheimBiggerChests.dll` into `\Bepinex\plugins`. - Profit