THE DUNGEON MAZE by Apotriote Get inside the Dungeon Maze. Find Weapons, Armor, Food, Mead in (hidden) chests to defeat Creatures and dodge some Traps. Extra adventure : Follow the wooden path without dying. The Portal on your right will take you to the Dungeon's Entrance (duration : 15-20min, depends on your skills). The one on your left will take to a short tree climb adventure (duration : 5-10 min, depends on your skills). Those quests are quite short. I'll maybe create others, and longer, if you ask for more. INSTALLATION - Download zip. - Unzip contents into your Valheim save folder, usually located at C:\Users\(your name)\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\worlds - Launch Valheim and the "AVENTURE" world RECOMMANDATIONS FOR AN IMMERSIVE AND COMPLETE EXPERIENCE INSIDE THE DUNGEON - Create a new character - Music : off - Read the signs, they are clues. REQUIREMENTS - None, as I know. (I used Valheim Plus) Please let me know your feelings. Be wise inside. Hope you'll enjoy. Apotriote