MofoMojo's Prayers for Rain Mod v 1.1 This mod is a simple mod that allows you to pray for clear weather. When outside, with the sky above you Have a seat and pray When the fog's against you and your ships' crew Have a seat and pray :: USE :: Open the chat window and issue /pray or ... :: REQUIREMENTS :: • BepInEx - :: INSTALLATION :: Place the MofoMojo.MMWeatherMod.dll in your \BepinEx\Plugins folder Start Valheim Once and then exit. Modify the \BepInEx\Config\MofoMojo.MMWeatherMod.cfg as you see fit. Play Valheim :: UNINSTALLATION :: Remove the .DLL and the .CFG file from the \Plugins and \Config folders respectively. :: UPGRADING :: I recommend deleting your current .cfg and letting a new one generate with defaults. Nothing bad will happen if you don''s not like Odin is going to smite you, but you'll experience the mod the way it was intended. :: FEATURES :: • You can pray for other weather such as rain, thunderstorm, lightrain, snow, and others that i'll leave up to you to find. • Uses Localization strings built into the game for hints... • No dramatic instant changes in Weather. It will be "queued" properly • Your unique kills will influence your behavior. 2% for each unique kill :: KNOWN ISSUES :: • You must be outside • You must be seated or sitting or in a boat • You can't always get what you want... • Unfortunately weather is largely handled client side so there will be inconistency when used in online sessions. For that reason, you have been chopped.... I mean, I recommend single player sessions only at this time. :: VERSIONS :: • 1.1 By suggestion from greenskye Added unique kills increase base chance of success option. 2% per unique kill (see your trophy wall) This can be turned on/off via cfg Added SuccessChance Angry Chance Angry Odin summons weather more appropriate to environment If angry Odin summons weather innappropriately, let me know and I'll have a stern talking to him (let me know the biome and weather you think it should be) • 1.0 Initial Release :: CREDITS :: ♦ ♦ - Harmony Documentation ♦ - Valheim modding ♦ greenskye for his suggestions :: SAMPLE CONFIG :: ## Settings file was created by plugin MMWeatherMod v1.1 ## Plugin GUID: MofoMojo.MMWeatherMod [LoggingLevel] ## Supported values are None, Normal, Verbose # Setting type: LoggingLevel # Default value: None # Acceptable values: None, Normal, Verbose PluginLoggingLevel = None [MMWeatherMod] ## Enables MMWeatherMod mod # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true MMWeatherModEnabled = true ## How many seconds must pass between attempts # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 60 PrayerFrequency = 60 ## What are the odds Odin will grant your prayer wish # Setting type: Single # Default value: 33 SuccessChance = 33 ## What are the odds you'll anger Odin if your prayer is unsuccessful # Setting type: Single # Default value: 25 AngryChance = 25 ## Each new mob type you've slain gives you a 2% increase in success # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true TrophyKillInfluence = true