*CHANGED INFO:* * Sentinel Class name is switched to "Alliance Princess" in game. * Overload & Lift Grenade are swapped out for Combat Drone (with a special pink color!) & Sentry Turret. *CLASS DESCRIPTION:* An Alliance Princess was trained to lead and protect her fellow allies, as a Princess should. Combining biotics to help disengage any enemies by throwing them across the battlefield, she also is equipped with tech charged armor helping her stay in the frontline longer , that can also detonate blasting near by enemies. The Alliance Princess also commands her trusty Combat Drone and Sentry Turret, to secure her position making it harder for the enemies to get to her allies. The Alliance Princess is the ultimate stalwart protectress! Never letting the enemies close to her people. *Read Me Info:* Hii! This is my first attempt at a mod, I basically am obsessed with biotics and the adorable combat drone and figured why not combine them both! I am very very VERY new to modding so if there are any bugs I really apologize!!!! (Also I wasn't able to figure out how to make it female only, but who says a male can't be a Alliance Princess too?!?) A big and special thank you to Swagger for his amazing guide that helped me do this & Bosmeroya for being a sweetheart with all of his guidance that helped me change the combat drone! His guide for the OG ME3 worked like a charm! (Swagger Guide: https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/477?tab=files) (Bosmeroya Guide: https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffect3/mods/845) *INSTALLATION INFO* To Install please get the ME3 Tweaks Mod Manager Beta (https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/2)