Easy Installation (Packaged version) Extract the archive and copy and paste "data" folder into your Yakuza 6 folder. Manual Installation (DIY version) Example of installation: Extract the archive and copy the "chara" folder into Yakuza 6 folder\data. Copy the ParTool.exe into Yakuza 6 folder\data. (download https://github.com/Kaplas80/ParManager/releases/latest ) In Yakuza 6 folder\data create .bat file with contents "ParTool add chara.par chara chara1.par -c 0" or "ParTool add chara.par chara chara1.par -c 1", if you want compression, and launch it. Rename "chara.par" into "chara.par.bak", and rename "chara1.par" into "chara.par"