1.go to https://reshade.me/ and download the latest reshade.exe 2.open up the reshade.exe then select browse and find your days gone directory and find the days gone.exe 3.then a box will show up asking about the game's api.just select directx 9/10/11 4.then it will show you a box about the packages you want to install just press ok. 5.wait till the packages get downloaded. 6.after that close the reshade setup and copy the "Vibrant Reshade(For low end pc's).ini" to your \Days Gone\BendGame\Binaries\Win64 and paste it.(where you have the days gone.exe) 7.Open up your game and you will see a bar pop up on your upper screen.It will say reshade was succesfully installed 8.after that press the home key on your keyboard and a box will appear. 9.then you will see "default preset" and click on it and select "Vibrant Reshade(For low end pc's).ini" and click on it. 10.Thats it!