:: REQUIREMENTS :: Windows computer with powershell installed Powershell must be operating in unrestricted mode (otherwise it won't run scripts from other computers. You can do this by running "Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted" from a powershell window). :: FEATURES :: • populateEmptyIslands : Any factory island that doesn't have a blueprint assocaited with it will have an appropriate one added. • pairTurretsAndAmmo : Any factory island that has a turret will have the paired ammo included as a blueprint. The reverse is also true. • bonusBlueprintsForShields : Any 3-shield factory island will had an extra bonus blueprint drawn from the full list of valid (non-starter) blueprints. 4-shield and above will get 2 extra blueprints instead. :: EXAMPLE USAGE :: From a powershell window, using all features: .\Add-BlueprintsToSaves.ps1 -pathToSaveFile "C:\Users\whateverYourUserNameIs\AppData\Roaming\Carrier Command 2\saved_games\slot_15\save.xml" -populateEmptyIslands -pairTurretsAndAmmo -bonusBlueprintsForShields :: LIMITATIONS :: It's still possible to take a factory island and not get any new blueprints, even after running this script. For example, consider the following scenario: Island A: 1-Shield Turret Factory, unlocks 40mm turrets. Island B: 2-Shield Small Munitions Factory, unlocks 40mm ammo. After running my script, it will change to the following: Island A: 1-Shield Turret Factory, unlocks 40mm turrets and 40mm ammo. Island B: 2-Shield Small Munitions Factory, unlocks 40mm ammo and 40mm turrets. If you capture Island A and then Island B, it will look like you didn't get anything new, but that's just because you've already unlocked the items in question.