Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness Character Pack for GUITAR HERO: WORLD TOUR Property of Core Design/Eidos Interactive - Crystal Dynamics Conversions from game by me/Sticklove This package will bring a whole total of 19 new rockers into your game! These characters come from Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness, a game that was critically panned at the time, but has stuck with Tomb Raider fans for not only Lara's characterization, but the ideas and what the team was trying to achieve, the story itself, not to mention a selection of memorable characters that have stuck with fans through tributes, memes, etc... This character pack features following characters: - Lara Croft (camo shorts) - Kurtis Trent - Margot Carvier - Janice - Pierre - Bernard - Francine - Louis Bouchard - Daniel Rennes - Pieter Van Eckhardt - Joachim Karel - Marten Gunderson - Kristina Boaz - Grant Muller - Tomas Luddick - Mutant 1 - Mutant 2 - Guard - the Sleeper I would have included more characters, but their exports were either unusable or I didn't think it would be a fun character to do. HOW TO INSTALL 1. Initial installation - Drag and drop the character folders in the DATA/MODS folder - Enjoy! 2. Band setup - To set up a default band for quickplay (or maybe even the career mode, haven't tested it): - Open the GHWTDE.ini file - Under [Graphics] section add a new section [Band] - Add following entries: PreferredGuitarist= PreferredBassist= PreferredDrummer= PreferredSinger= - Go to the folder of a character you want to add and locate the character.ini file - Open the file and look at the section [ModInfo] and copy the value in the Name= field - Paste the value on one of the Preferred fields in the GHWTDE.ini file - Example: PreferredGuitarist=Janice PreferredBassist=Carvier PreferredDrummer=KurtisTrent PreferredSinger=AODLara TERMS OF USE Feel free to use this for a casual play, for a stream or a Youtube video/meme video and etc... Only thing I'd like to ask is that you credit the developers and credit me for creating the mod.