Readme File: Filefront User Name: Arron_Dominion (and yes including the _) Description: I got bored and an idea popped up a few days ago. Photon jump. This map was used to test out the concept of a photon jump, one lane definately uses this concept. Installation: For WINDOWS: >Extract contents >>Open C: or drive with EF1 >>>Open Program Files >>>>Open Raven >>>>>Open Star Trek Voyager Elite Force >>>>>>Open BaseEF >>>>>>>Put the .pk3 in the BaseEF To Run: >type /map ctf_battletactic3 Known Bug: >the med pad is not working, decided to release this version and wait till later to fix Disclaimer: This has been tested by myself only. Please don't sell or re-make this map without my consent. Credits: Thanks Elite Force for the stock textures and the models Thanks to Infinity for attempting to help me with my med pad problem Contact Info: xfire = ajdominion AIM = Arron Dominion MSNM = email = Regards -Arron_Dominion