-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Garkin's LoreBooks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LoreBooks adds map pins for lorebooks to the world map. In-game setting is in the SETTINGS -> Addons Settings -> LoreBooks. You can choose what icons you want to use, select if addon should display allready collected books and much more. Please try it yoursef and let me know your thoughts. All ideas how to improve this addon are welcome. Right now it includes over 1800 locations of lorebooks and with every update will be this number higher. If you find any lorebook not listed in database, addon will save its location and display it on the map. Please help me with updating database and share your locations with others: To the chat type /lbreport. It will show report that contains new lorebook locations you have found on all your characters. Copy its text to the clipboard (just press COPY button) and paste it to a bug report on my portal. Thank you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slash commands: /lorebooks settings menu /lbreport report new books you have found /lbcollected show all books you have collected /lbcheck check locations of books you have not collected yet /myloc prints your current location to the chat /mylocation dtto /mypos dtto /myposition dtto -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to manually install addon: - Go to the "Elder Scrolls Online" folder in your Documents For Windows: C:\Users\\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\\ For Mac: ~/Documents/Elder Scrolls Online// (replace with the client you're using - "live" or "liveeu") - You should find an AddOns folder, if you don't, create one. - Extract the addon from downloaded zip file to the AddOns folder - Log into the game, and in the character creation screen, you'll find the Addons menu. Enable your addons from there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I didn't check all lorebook locations in-game, so if you find any missing map pin or pin on the wrong spot, please report it as a bug on my portal: http://www.esoui.com/portal.php?&uid=524 How to report: Switch to "Bug", select "LoreBooks" interface, enter any title and to the description write which pin is on wrong spot and its correct position on the map. All books at once: To the chat type /lbreport. It will show report that contains new lorebook locations you have found on all your characters. Copy its text to clipbboard (just press COPY button) and paste it to bug report on my portal. One by one: If you want to get lorebook location, move as close as possible to that book and type /myloc. This command reports current location of your character to chat. Example: Auridon: 34.91,11.52 (auridon/auridon_base) If you have enabled icons for collected books, right after you read a book a new map pin will appear at your location. So if you do not remember book name, it is on the pin tooltip. example: " Auridon Lore " "Crimes of the Daggerfall Covenant" So the bug report will be: Add "Crimes of the Daggerfall Covenant" to Auridon 34.91,11.52. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LoreBooks data are collected from: - Esohead interactive map (http://www.esohead.com/map) - Loads of screenshots provided by Kodiak of Mostly Harmless (http://www.esoui.com/forums/member.php?u=7484) - TESO Life's Lorebook Locations Map (http://teso.mmorpg-life.com/lorebooks-locations-map/) - Dulfy's ESO Lorebooks locations guide (http://dulfy.net/2014/02/25/eso-lorebooks-locations-guide/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This addon uses the following libraries: - Shinni's "CustomCompassPins" (http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info185-CustomCompassPins.html) - Seerah's "LibStub" (http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info44-LibStub.html) - Seerah's "LibAddonMenu-2.0" (http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info7-LibAddonMenu.html) - My own "LibMapPins-1.0" (http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info563-LibMapPins.html) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODO: - Add locations of remaining lorebooks - Improve icon textures - Add link between lore library and map pins - Create better tooltips