I'm using radeon pro v1.1.10 (you can download it here: http://www.radeonpro.info/download/) and the sweetfx 1.4 NOT the 1.5. (you can download it here: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bx1ov3nG4TBsa2RLOWVSNEluTms/edit?pli=1) REQUIREMENT RADEON PRO V1.1.10 SWEETFX 1.4 DOWNLOAD LINK ARE UPSIDE INSTALL 1* Install radeon pro (work with nvidia gpu) Sometime when you install it, it boots in italian you have to click in the setting icon in top of the window. a new window come, search "AVANZATO" click and select inglish and click salva. 2* unzip the sweetfx (don't unzip it in your game folder, in my case, i create a folder cauld MOD in ZENIMAX ONLINE folder and i put the sweetfx file into the mod folder like this: C/Zenimax Online/Mod/sweetfx1.4 3*download my sweetfx setting and unzip in the mod folder, not in the sweetfx 1.4 folder. 4* A Open RadeonPro and click on "add new profile" search the eso.exe in C/Zenimax Online/The Elder Scrolls Online EU/game/Client click open. 4* B Now open "settings" and select "Sweetfx Settings" Match the "Enable Sweetfx Integration" box. Click on "Changes" in blue and select the "SWEETFX 1.4 FOLDER" C:/Zenimax Online/mod/Sweetfx 1.4 and click open. facultative: select a hotkey to switch in/off your sweetfx Now click : Save 4* C Select "Sweetfx" (in right top), scrolls at the buttom and click "Import Settings" Select my Sweetfx_settings and click open 5* Now select "Visual" and check "FXAA" ""TO WORK CORRECTLY YOU MUST CHECK THE FXAA AND PUT IN LOW MINIMUM"" i put in ultra for me and i check the "SMAA" too. Now you have to right click on the profile "ESO" and click "APPLY NOW" SWEETFX WORK ONLY IF YOU START YOUR GAME WITHE USING THE RADEONPRO "ESO" PROFILE NOT BY THE LUNCHER. Hope you undestand