° Vault Hunters now have attributes (Assassin moves / jumps faster, has better air control, less armor), (Siren has slag resistance, longer FFYL time, spawns with more health after FFYL) and so on, you get it...; ° My custom Vault Hunter Strife (Infiltrator Class), - you can swap between him and Zer0 at any time; ° ALL Vault Hunters have brand new Class Mods (including Legendary and Pearlescent Class Mods); ° New rarities (now 12 rarities all together); ° Damage is reworked (no more elemental damage superiority, NE is the king now for people using game, all DOTs can now spread to nearby enemies. Slag is mostly a debuff element now (slows down enemies, halts health / shield regeneration); ° All weapon parts are reworked (all parts now have matching bonuses - finding that one perfect gun with all manufacturer parts should carry you for some time), weapon parts are simplified (i.e barrels will always give bonuses to Damage, Fire Rate and Accuracy); ° All weapon accessories are reworked so they all now can compete DPS wise, made some new ones (including Legendary and Corrupted accessories); ° Shields are mostly reworked to be more useful end game (Nova Shields, Spike Shields, etc.); ° Introduced Jakobs Manly Shields (stock shields as well as Unique and Legendary); ° Relics are mostly reworked and added some new ones. Made brand new Legendary Class Relics (for now 1 for each class); ° 81 new Weapons (replacers); ° 24 new Shields (replacers + brand new ones, including Pearlescent); ° 12 new Grenade Mods (replacers); ° and much more...