Russian Voice acting by Elika Studio for Life is Strange Remastered Collection 2022 Installation: Place the contents of the archive: the LIS folder in the root folder of the game. Replace render clips. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: (Only pre-rendered videos are replaced. If you value the original voice acting, make a copy of the next files from your game: BIK_E1_6A_DialEnd and BIK_E1_7A_Snowing and other episodes from the ...lis/content/movies/ folder) Inside the game dialogues are not replacing the original voice acting. At any time you can return original voice acting, by simply removing pak file from ...lis/content/paks/~mods folder or change extension of it (for example: as ".pak" to ".off"). ________________________________________________________________________________________ When publishing on third-party sources - please leave a link to our group ( ). If you have any questions or suggestions, please send them to the personal messages of the ElikaStudio group ( __________________________ ElikaStudio © 2012-2022