REQUIREMENTS - netFrameworks 4.5+ installed - windows 10 x64 (haven't tested older versions) - antivirus exclusion - Antivirus: - The application must be added to the exclusion list, windows defender fired up a warning for me so i'm expecting it to do the same for others.The reson it is causing a false positive is : *I'm using a keyboard hook for the global hotkey, by default is "M" and if pressed will show or hide the overlay and apparently antiviruses and anti-cheat systems dont hooks. The application is not obfuscated in any way and can be decompiled using a tool like (the trial) for further analysis. Usage - Unzip the downloaded file where you want, it doesn't really mater. - Run Elden Ring in windowed fullscreen - Run eldenring_map_overlay.exe (you should see a small popup on the right bottom corner complaining about a trial licence, just close that one) - When in Elden Ring press "M" to display the overlay map. To hide it press M again and i highly suggest this keybind be changed to a different key as it will cause issues when writing something like a search keyword that has the letter "M" in it. NOTE!! I have not tried this online, and i dont really recommend it even if it does not do any process injection or manipulation, remember this application has keyboard hooks. To close the application you will find a new icon called "Elden Ring Map Overlay" in your taskbar, right click on it and click "Exit".