Bravely Default II Costume Changer ================================== Version 1.0 Description: ------------ Replaces any job's costume with a different job's costume. Requirements: ------------- Working Python installation. Instructions: ------------- Note: Make sure to install python first, and make sure your python install is working. 1. Run "make_mod.bat". 2. Select which job to change, whether to update the portrait in the main menu, and which character (or all) that you want to change. Note: Optionally, you can select that all jobs be changed. 3. Take the generated pak file, and place it in your mod folder. Example: C:\Program Files\Games\Bravely Default II\Bravely_Default_II\Content\Paks\~mods Notes: ------ You can combine mods by copying and pasting the mod folders (as long as they don't affect the same character/job), and then dragging the combined folder on to "pack-project_BD2.bat". Example: CostumeFixAllToBlackMage_Port_Gloria_1_P CostumeFixAllToBravebearer_Port_Seth_1_P CostumeFixAllToSwordmaster_Port_Elvis_1_P CostumeFixArcanistToRedMage_Port_Adelle_1_P CostumeFixValiantToShieldmaster_Port_Adelle_1_P If we copy "CostumeFixAllToBlackMage_Port_Gloria_1_P" to "CostumeFixCustom_Port_1_P" and copy the contents of the other folders into the new folder "CostumeFixCustom_Port_1_P" you'll have a compilation of all your changes. Then drag and drop onto "pack-project_BD2.bat" and you'll have your pak file ready to go. Format: ------- CostumeFix[JOBNAME or ALL]To[JOBNAME]_[PORTRAIT OR NO PORTRAIT]_[CHARACTER_NAME OR ALL]_1_P.pak