This is (only) a MODEL of the Republic (/Corellian) Star Shuttle, the ship-class of the shuttle, Perpetus, which transported the then-Senator Palpatine to Naboo at the end of "The Phantom Menace." The model was made by bobbtmann ( which was originally made for Fate of the Galaxy ( which is a conversion of Freespace 2 so thank bobbtmann/them for the model. I only rigged this model to have four fire bones at the bottom of the ship as it was supposed to be not/lightly armed. There is no death clone however, though since it should be a relatively small ship it shouldn't be a big problem. This can be used freely but of course giving credit is highly recommended (so as not to be a dick :P) Don't forget to check out Fate of the Galaxy which looks awesome. Credits: Model: bobbtmann Texture: bobbtmann Particles: Warb_Null Rigging: Sly442