Card Merge Info: Preview Page: Where most of the work is done. Drag an image file into the window and it will load it. Left click an image to duplicate the image. Right click to delete an image (If the card/image exists more then once, it will reduce the quantity) Middle click to delete an image and set that image to the Hidden card. The buttons at the top go to next and previous pages, if no additional pages exist, it does nothing. Card Data Page: This is a master list of all the card images and where they are located, and how many cards in the deck. Click Add to browse for and add a new card. Click Remove to delete the selected card entry. This differs from the right-click on the Preview page, as it will delete ALL the cards, not just set the quantity to zero. File Information page: These are system settings and all that jazz. The "Source Data" is filename to save the Deck for later editing. XML is the preferred format, but is compatible with CardMaker csv files. The Output File Base name is the base name/path for the saved data. Without extension. If multiple pages are required, they will have a number appended to them. Execute collects all the cards and saves them. Load Data loads the deck named in Source Data. Save Data saves the deck named in Source Data. Pixel Height/Width should be obvious. Columns and Rows are how many cards per page, except for the hidden card. Border Pixels is how many empty pixels between cards. The Hidden Card is the last card per page. Empty Color is in Hex RGB format and controls what to fill all empty spaces. The format drop down controls if the file is saved in PNG or JPG formats. Although I do not believe TTS supports it, PNG includes alpha information. Possible Future enhancements: Export/Execute button on the Preview window. If no hidden card is specified, then the space can be used for another card. Release the Linux version (Mac version theoretically exists, but I don't have one to build on)