**DarkFriends** is ~~a terribly named~~ modification for Dark Souls 2 that essentially only allows MP with players that exist on your friends list. It acts as a firewall by blocking P2P traffic with steam id's that are not registered as a friend. This prevents invasions, duels, and coop summons that aren't by people on your friends list. **PLEASE READ THIS:** This mod does not hide your summon signs from the public. Don't be an ass and put your summon signs in popular areas ( like right on top of bonfires our right before boss doors ). Be nice and take 5 seconds to put it in an away spot and coordinate with your friends. **How to use:** Unrar the download and extract both the .exe injector and .dll hook into the same directory. It's important they are in the same dir. Launch the .exe and click enable. It should say "searching for Dark Souls II instance". Launch Dark Souls II and it should then say injected successfully. You can enable the injector if Dark Souls 2 is already open as well but its preferable to do it before launching. **Info for haters:** I understand that a lot of Dark Souls II griefers will hate this mod. One thing to note is that people who absolutely hate invasions ( like myself ) played the entire game offline, so I was never in the potential pool of invasions anyway. **VAC Info:** Dll injection is not grounds for a VAC ban. Dll's are injected all the time into every process. Just look at the SetWindowsHook() and understand that Dll's are injected everywhere. Do you own a usb headset? Chances are it injects a dll into the process. My razer kraken 7.1 does. From Software has to manually mark this mod as a cheat and that's highly unlikely since this isn't a cheat.