TESTED WITH nVIDIA cards. MAY OR MAY NOT WORK WITH AMD (SHOULD). Using Vulkan DXVK Async the game FINALLY gets rid from the stutters when loading textures. This is a pack containing: Edits in Engine.ini from various sources, mainly reddit posts. DXVK 2.1 Async fork from: https://gitlab.com/Ph42oN/dxvk-gplasync/ VKD3D from: https://github.com/HansKristian-Work/vkd3d-proton INSTALLATION - From folder WindowsNoEditor, copy Engine.ini in %AppData%\Local\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor IMPORTANT: edit r.Streaming.PoolSize=3072 to match your specs. Use 2048 for 6GB vram, use 3072 for 8GB vram, use 4096 for 12GB vram. -From folder Win64, copy d3d12.dll, dxgi.dll, dxvk.conf and dxvk_config.dll in: \Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64 (Game exe dir) - Delete everything in %ProgramData%\Hogwarts Legacy Enjoy a stutter free experience - at last. ***paokkerkir*** INFO: //Engine.ini added lines: [SystemSettings] r.bForceCPUAccessToGPUSkinVerts=True r.GTSyncType=1 r.OneFrameThreadLag=1 r.FinishCurrentFrame=0 r.TextureStreaming=1 r.Streaming.PoolSize=3072 r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM=1 r.AllowPointLightCubemapShadows=0 (Needed for a crash with previous DXVK, may not be needed anymore but needs more testing to disable.) [ConsoleVariables] AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdates=1 AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesDuringGamethreadUpdates=1 AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesEditor=1