IMPROVMENTSFX - 1.0 A nice little Reshade Preset to improve the vanilla graphical experience :D :: REQUIREMENTS Template:: • Watch_Dogs Up to Date (Should not be a problem as it is not being updated anymore) • Reshade 4.9.1 :: FEATURES Template:: • Some cool features to make look a liitle bit nicer than the gaem already is... RECOMMENDED MODS Template:: - Living City Mod = - TheWorse Mod = (I haven't tried this but it could be used well... comment your results! These are not necessary, but they could make the game more immersive :: KNOWN ISSUES Template:: No known issues, please comment issues so I can try to fix them (PS: if you know how to fix them don't be afraid to reply and help as I am new to modding) :: CREDITS Template:: The awesome people that made Reshade = :: Terms And Conditions :: You are free to edit, distribute and showcase this mod, When editing and distrubuting this mod credit would be appreciated as well as the link to the original mod aka this oage on nexus mods. When showcasing, you probably should add a link to the mod so other people can view it