-- Ultimate Mod Based on Refresh Mod and Living City, but I've also done lot of my tweaks and merged some others files and changes from different modders to my favourite result. I don't remember everything I have done, so credits for you all -- Put all the content of data_win64, replacing if need, in your data_win64 folder of your game install location -- Put all the files of bin folder, replacing if need, in your bin folder (I recommend to do not changes here, but It's based on my taste and technically on my screen configuration and on the game cycle day/night, but if you need I only advise to modify just the "Exposure"and "Saturation" voices in Tonemap of Reshade control panel - my in game brightness is 75%) -- Put GamerProfile in your path "Documents/MyGames/Watch_Dogs/" folder -- Execute "Running in the 90s" string, sometimes it can help to fix Fps drop and to fix stuttering -- Hope you like it and have fun!