Escape From Smalcatraz Test Release and Bug Confirm Please take the .pak and drop it in your Larian Studios user folder. By default this will be \Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin\Mods (You may have to make the \Mods folder yourself if this is your first mod.) Open D:OS, go to Mods and, in the drop-down bar across the top, select Escape From Smalcatraz. Activate and select New Game > Single-Player Mod. PLEASE NOTE: Upon first install and playthrough, the skillset in the main character's hotbar might be COMPLETELY screwy. Hover over them and see if the description matched the name. It's uncertain at this point what causes it, but it seems (don't quote me on this) that the problem is inherent to Divinity: Original Sin mods, rather than a specific issue with this mod. TO FIX: just close down D:OS after installing the mod and reopen. This makes the custom predefined skills 'stick'.