I simply copied the Nexus Mod description page in here. I suggest you just read there for better formatting and proper hyperlinks to the google spreadsheet I made for this mod, but also hyperlinks for suggested mods to use alongside this one. As I was playing through my second world I tried to enforce a gearing progression challenge onto myself. It was, as expected, frustrating, but not for the right reasons. Some gear didn't have any set drop locations at all (Tropical, Tundra and base Pal Metal), and the first dungeon tier didn't even have all the tier 1 gear schematics, meaning both tier1 and tier2 dungeons dropped tier 2 schematics. As there was no mod that currently fixed that, I did my best to figure out how to fix this and I think I am pretty happy at this point. What does the mod actually do? It redistributes the schematic drops amongst the Alpha Pals to allow for a better gear progression and all pals now drop the epic version schematic also. Dungeon Loot and Treasure Chest loot has been updated and fixed to make more actual sense. Fairly sure the developers left a few unintentional mistakes in. The missing gear schematics have been added to the Alpha Pal drop table - that means Tropical, Tundra and base Pal Metal. As there was one less helmet tier than body armor tier, I slotted in the Katress Cap between Feathered Hair Band and Metal Helm, and it has been added to both Alpha Pal drop table and dungeon loot for tier 2 dungeons/world chests. What you can expect: Each gear tier is better grouped and more reasonably streamlined level-wise. Old Bow, Cloth Armor (Tundra/Tropical included) and Feathered Hair Band now drops from Alpha Pals ranging from level 11-18, down from 23. They have been appropriately adjusted in the dungeon and treasure chest loot tables also. Katress Hat, Pelt Armor (Heat/Cold included) and Crossbow drops from Alpha Pals ranging 23-31, where the dungeon for this tier is level 29. I will link a document later in this section that has spreadsheets for all the individual tiers, but also a full Alpha Pal list with their noteworthy drops and changes. Chests will play a bigger part if you truly embrace this mod as you need to open locked chests and dungeon reward chests for the uncommon and rare rarity schematics. This is also explained in the document. What's the point? So I personally like when there is forced progression, especially when it brings with it some level of difficulty increase. For that reason I am an avid Runescape Ironman or World of Warcraft hardcore player. My initial intent was to also alter the recipes for the gear so that you have to craft everything in order, but it's not working as I had planned and I'll add that to this once it does work. For now though, just having a consistent source of Epic and Legendary schematics that I can actively grind for will do just fine for me. The chest and dungeon grind has also been fun since it has forced me to move around the world and go into every nook and cranny just for that sweet, sweet schematic upgrade!