These mods adjust the tint of crafting materials to suit seasonal color palettes based on a few principles: 1 Correct glaring omissions. (No black leather? Really?) 2 Expand the range by assigning new values to duplicates. 3 Follower starting armor must not clash with itself. 4 Adjust rather than make radical changes wherever possible. 5 Skyhold outfits must be tolerable. 6 No fuchsia anything. These principles stood for almost a whole minute. I tried. The crafting materials are separated by tier to keep the script manageable. Because color tints and material stats are stored in the same file, and because it is not possible to install two mods that alter the same file, these mods are incompatible with any mods that alter crafting material colors or stats. With this in mind, players may elect to raise the stats to a uniform Tier 4 or "Tier 4 Plus". These changes are based on Borglet's "All Crafting Materials Elevated Stats" mod, but my tier progression tables are a little different from hers. Please check the enclosed documentation. Borglet's mod is available here: The biggest thank you goes to tirnoney, who coded the configurable script, and without whom this mod would not have been possible. Special thanks go to Nightscrawl for endlessly patient instruction and coaching, to borglet for the generous donation of her EBX files and for some helpful tips and encouragement, to tirnoney for the inspiration to do this in the first place, and to the DAI Tools modding community. Tools used: ModMaker by DawnlessSky and Zhentar ( HxD Hex Editor by Maël Hörz ( Edward Hew's RGB/Hex Converter ( Greg Stoll's Floating Point to Hex Converter ( H Schmidt's IEEE 754 Converter ( Color Hex Codes (