Better Weaponsmithing 1.0.2 Fixed cut damage multiplier on Edge crafted weapons (previously 10% less than actual Edge weapons) -------------------- This mod makes lots of changes to the weapon/crossbow smithing mechanics. I've tried to cover all of the changes, but I've probably misseed some or excluded it on purpose. This mod does not change vendor lists, so don't worry about overwriting those. I haven't tested this mod extensively myself. I heavily encourage you to give feedback of any kind. You can leave a comment or a bug report on the Nexus mod page. One small change that is less relevant: the Weapon Melting research is now called Equipment Melting (because you can melt armor too) == MELEE WEAPONS === Edge Type 2/3 are now available. They're part of the "Edgewalker" research that Edge Type 1 was in before. There are now only two weapon smithing buildings: one for making weapons out of iron (low quality), and one for steel (higher quality). The iron smithy doesn't require power and can only make weapons up to Catun 1 quality. The steel smithy requires power and can make much higher quality weapons (but still including some of the cheap ones) up to Edge 3 Make sure your smith has at least 35 skill before trying to make Catun 2 in the Steel smithy (its better to use iron until then) You still need to research the weapon qualities and find the blueprints for some weapons before you can make them. I changed some of the weapon type research around. You can research some basic weapons for each category without blueprints. This mod adds requirements to most weapon blueprints. They're simple, like "Hackers" is a requirement of learning "Long Cleaver". This mod adds descriptions to the weapon blueprints, as well. === CROSSBOWS === Just like the melee weapons, crossbow benches come in 2 tiers. You make cheap iron bows with the simple bench. However, since crossbow qualities work purely on skill level, you should have both benches in your base if you want to keep crafting Junkbows, Tooth Picks or Springbats after upgrading. The materials for crossbow making are a bit different now: Spring steel uses 1 iron ore and 1 copper each, instead of 2 iron ore and 0.2 copper. Crossbow Parts require 2 hinges instead of 1. This is nice because 1 iron plate will make 2 hinges anyway. Crossbow Parts also require 2 spring steel, as well. Since the Crossbow Parts use the spring steel, you don't need more spring steel to craft the crossbow itself after you have the parts. Junkbow and Tooth Pick don't need Steel anymore, instead they use iron plates. Toothpicks: 1 iron plate, 30 charges Regulars: 1 iron plate, 20 charges Heavy Bolts: 0.5 steel, 10 charges Long Bolts: 0.5 steel, 10 charges The research related to crossbows has been modified: You no longer need to find blueprints for the crossbows. You can research all of them normally. The blueprints still exist, however. The research costs are less extreme. You can start making crossbows with normal books, and they start at Research Level 2. Crossbow bolts are researched in two parts: first unlocks Toothpicks and Regulars, second unlocks Longs and Heavies. The Crossbow Bolt research no longer researches Hinges and Storage: Crossbow Parts for some reason. They're in Crossbow Crafting now. The Crossbow Crafting research no longer requires Crossbow Bolt research first. You could just make them for profit without making the bolts, if you want. The previous arrow crafting station had a strange upgrade problem. Not sure if it manifested in-game, but it looks much better in the construction set now.