Changes from regular Far Cry 4: * Every non-signature weapon takes twice as long to reload and draw/holster. * Ammo prices have been multiplied by 4000%! Scavenge for ammo often instead of relying on frequent shop visits. (to put this into perspective, with a fully upgraded wallet you can BARELY afford 1 RPG rocket) * Speaking of ammo scavenging, dropped weapons no longer net any ammo. Small ammo pickups only give you 1 extra bullet for pistols, SMG's, Assault Rifles and LMG's. Same for explosive ammo pickups (only a little bit of flamethrower fuel, 0 RPG's, etc). * Hunting Bow now fires (slightly) faster than the Recurve Bow. It's a tiny difference but ensures the former isn't rendered entirely obsolete 10 minutes into the game. * Dead soldiers and NPC's still have loot (items), but finding as much as 1 pistol bullet in their pockets is considered extremely lucky at this point. + Almost every weapon has access to any attachment. To play the mod as immersive and challenging as possible, turn off most of the HUD (I recommend everything except the ammo counter), play on HARD difficulty and don't use any signature weapons.