In this file we have Public 1) Please extract the file you wish to edit. 2) Edit everything inside the folder called data and when you are done, right click the data folder and 'change attributes'. If you do not see the 'change attributes' in the right click, install 'ac-860.exe'. 3) Change time stamp to 7/16/2015 at 12 pm in the "Folder Properties" tab and the "File Properties" tab. Note, there's 2 when a folder is not zipped. Please do not do this when the folder is zipped. 4) right click folder again on data, that's not zipped, and zip it. It should be named 5) double click the "fix it" bat file and data3 should generate. Note: When updating Data3, delete Data3 and (zipped version), and rezip the unzipped data folder after using "ac-860". Then repeat step 4-5.